Dr. Sully Sullivan is a fourth-generation dentist and practices at Sullivan Dental Partners in Nashville, Tennessee. He is the host of the Millennial Dentist podcast, a show where he interviews other dentists as well as give actionable advice for those who are new to running a dental practice. He specializes in adult orthodontics, dental implants, third molar extractions, and obstructive sleep apnea. Sully also lectures on cone beam technology and practice management across the country.
Today, Sully joins me to discuss the benefits of having 3D printing technology in your practice. He shares his personal experience with using 3D printers, the models he’s printed, and how it made his business more self-sufficient. He describes the 3D printing programs and software his practice uses on a daily basis. Sully also explains how 3D printing can provide additional support without hiring more staff.
"3D printing has really nice workflows that you can use and implement on a day to day basis in your practice." – Sully Sullivan
This week on T-Bone Speaks Dentistry Podcast:
? Why I've recently been busy with 3D printing.
? Some of the things I've used a 3D printer on.
? The programs and software Sully uses in his practice.
? The benefits of using 3D printing technology in your business.
? How 3D printing can help improve office efficiency without additional manpower.
? The four steps of 3D printing and how to prevent mistakes.
? Cases where an essix retainer or a flipper is better.
? Some of the items I look forward to using a 3D printer on.
Our Favorite Quotes:
? "You can't be successful with 3d Printing without having a digital impression system." – Sully Sullivan
Resources Mentioned:
? D3Tool
Connect with Sully Sullivan:
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