Is Your Office Open 24/7?


Just in case you didn’t realize it, the year is 2016.  No longer can you run your practice on 1980’s business principles.  And the simple truth is this – too many of us are doing just that.

It’s either pure laziness by avoiding taking education and learning new ‘tricks’ or fear of getting out of your comfort zone.

Regardless of the reason – the days of being able to be stuck in the 1980’s are numbered.

Today I’d like to share with you a simple tool you can use to bring your practice closer to being more modern.

Make Your Practice Open 24/7

Before you freak out – I am not asking you to literally be open 24/7.  Instead I am asking you to allow your patients to be able to communicate with your office 24/7.  I am not talking about having a team member carrying around a cell phone either.

Way back when Al Gore invented the thing called the internet.  Then Steve Jobs gave us the modern day smartphone.  Since this has become the main way of communication today it would make sense that your office has a system of allowing your patients to request appointments that way.

We utilize a service called Revenue Well to make this happen for us.  Revenue Well is a powerful program that you must take a closer look at.

Here are a couple of examples of how patients can communicate with us 24/7 via Revenue Well.

Please notice that the patient is able to request a specific type of appointment and also their ideal dates and time frame.  Now it’s simply a matter of responding to the patient – by phone or electronically.

Patient has requested a exam/cleaning with specific dates and time frames.  What more can you ask for?

Here we can see a new patient has contacted us to schedule a consultation to talk about cosmetic dentistry.  Again the patient has given us dates and time periods that work best for his/her schedule.

A new patient requesting a consultation for cosmetic dentistry.

The world is busy and people no longer like talking to each other.  Give your practice a chance to succeed by being open 24/7 by utilizing a service like Revenue Well.

Just to be clear – Revenue Well is much more than just this.  Click here to learn more about their product.

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