Building Your Implant Practice – Lateral Grafting and Orthodontic TADs

Our practice has managed to grow from basically zero implants to more than many surgeons in our area. How have we done this? The answer is pretty simple – I […]
3 Things That Could Be Killing How Your Patients Perceive Your Practice?

Today I went to the barber shop for my usual Thursday morning routine. I get my head cut and my face shaved. It’s the male equivalent of a mani-pedi – […]
The Absolute Worst Position for A Dental Practice

It’s funny where and when thoughts come into your head. I was hiking into a crater of a volcano when I noticed the tree that you see above. There I […]
My 5 Keys to Being a ‘Patient Centric’ Dental Office in 2014

I like to use the saying ‘patient centric’ when talking about the tremendous growth we have seen in our practice over the last several years. The typical first response is […]